Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Hard Times

like many of you out there, i pay a guy to sit and listen to my past and present and to help me make some sense of it all. i like him . . . as much as you can like a guy you pay to listen to you. anyway, he has recently given me an assignment to write about my parents. and whereas this may be easy for some of you, i've created an art out of fudging my own story (in song). writing things that are somewhat true; but hopefully more true for you than for me. i found some inspiration last night; writing both words and music (rare these days) and decided to let you in on the creativity. maybe it's nothing; maybe it's something. we'll see. i will hopefully learn how to attatch audio files soon enough, but for now, here's the lyrics: it's called Hard Times

Hard Times
wish you were there
i danced like lightning
i looked for you
but you got tied up at work . . . or something

wish you were there
my last day of school
i worked so hard
(to make you) proud of me

Hard times keep falling
On the good and the bad
Hard times they keep falling
Making everyone sad
Hard times they keep falling

you held my hand
when i was a babe
then you let go
that was the last time . . .

i've been hoping (hope on)
for so long
i 've been holding (hold on)
for some sign of you . . .

when i grow up
you will be there
or at least in my mind
and photographs i've carried (from year to year)

Hard times keep falling
On the good and the bad
Hard times keep falling
Making me sad
Hard times keep falling

i'm still thinking about revisions to the chorus (try to give it a little cheer; if at least not from a slight angle). but for now . . . here ya go.

j. louviere


Align Spa said...

no it's not me in the photo. found it on flickr.

Leifh said...

Good stuff Johnny, I can almost hear you singing'd be interesting to see how close what I heard is to your actual song.
(I'll teach you how to upload/add recorded songs to your blog entries if you want)